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My Co-Active Coaching Story

Earlier this month I have completed Fundamentals and Intermediate Co-Active Training with CTI, the « golden standard » in coaching field. Yeeeeeyyyy!!! This first coaching certificate is an important milestone for my personal and professional development.

But WHY coaching you may ask? I enrolled this training after 10 intense years joggling in between living my home country, changing continents, discovering and coping with new cultures, becoming a mother and integrating this new huge role into who I am, having 2 small kids to raise and questioning so much about the choices I make for them, being without a network of family or friends next to me, changing jobs and career orientation in different market contexts..and then, all the craziness of an over stimulated world.

This is the life of so many of you out there. For some this is struggle, dealing with the feeling of being not good enough, is distressing and overwhelming. For others is challenge, is proving you can do more, you can handle all, putting a lot of pressure on your shoulders. For me it was a little bit of all that too, but at the end it was exhausting and feeling I am not allowed to stop this crazy race. It was a rich life experience and I grew a lot during these years, but somewhere on the way I lost myself.

And last year I stopped! For 6 months I abandoned this crazy rhythm. I moved in a smaller and slower paced part of this world, where re-centering to myself was easier. I had the time to dive deep into my soul and see where I was?! I realized then that I put my BEING on hold during all these years. My self-care, my personal and professional development, my learning, my becoming. Where was I about all that? How I wanted to go on? What were my feelings? And when I re-centered my attention on my BEING, everything became clear: I wanted to live my next part of my life in a meaningful way, in harmony and balance with myself whatever life will throw to me.

With that in mind I than started DOING what was important for me in order to achieve this. And my first step was taking Fundamentals and Intermediate Co-Active Training from CTI! Because for me this training was a way to get unstuck in my personal and professional development.

HOW was this training? It was about being vulnerable and showing up in my vulnerability, it was about growing and witnessing the growth of my colleagues, it was about meeting inspiring people, it was a safe place to BE, it was a huge learning experience, it was silence, it was about expanding my BEING and stepping out of my comfort zone soooo many times…and this is where growing is happening.

WHAT am I after this training? I am becoming a better version of myself, I am aware, I am more confident, I am more aligned to my values, I am focused and with a clear vision on where I want to be, I am a Coach, I am supporting my clients, I am continuing my personal development journey.

WHAT’S next for me? This was just the beginning of my journey. Next stop is Certification with CTI. But my very first next step is focusing more on Coaching because it means going back to what really resonate with me: discovering, understanding and helping people! I want to pay it forward and share the gift of Coaching with other people who feel stuck in their lives or careers. I was there and I know now how liberating feels to get unstuck and find your balance. Dare to explore!

And if you are reading this it might be because you want to have a talk about how I can support you on exploring that :)

Send me a message and let’s have a sample coaching session!

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