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Feeling stuck? Asking for help is a first step for unblocking yourself and grow.

By the end of last year I felt overwhelmed by this big dream on which I started to work on: creating my personal coaching brand. I was joggling in between my job and building a practice in coaching while continuing my studies in coaching. I was working on starting designing my business model, creating a marketing plan, the content and the structure of the communication, all while being also there in my personal life, as an active part for myself and my family. I have felt that everything that I’ve put on my plate was too much and this made me question myself, feeling that I’m losing my clarity and my vision.

At that point I said STOP. I took a few steps back from this crazy rhythm, analyzed the situation and took time to see again, with clear eyes, what I needed to do. I realized I wanted to do everything on my own and this was simply not possible. I did not have the expertise, nor the time to deal with all the topics. So, I reached out to my network for help. There were so many angels who wanted to help!

One of my best friends offered to help me with the marketing part; another old friend and than a new friend, found while on this journey, helped with having a more clear vision of the communication part; my coach always there to help me stay grounded and keep following my vision; my coaching training fellow always there with another perspective of seeing things. I will not put here their names, but they know who they are 😊 And I want to use this occasion to acknowledge them and thank them all for their help!

Showing up for me in that moment and their support was so important. This moved me from feeling stuck and without clarity to getting back my vision and moving forward toward my dream.

Asking for help in our culture, which praises self-help and self-reliance, seems to be very difficult. Researches show there are two main reasons why we are so bad at asking for help:

Fear. We fear rejection, vulnerability, diminished status. This might undermine our confidence, make us question our abilities and even create anxiety.

Communication. We are very bad at articulating our needs. We usually expect that others will understand our needs on their own.

These reasons should not block you from asking for help. And the more you’ll ask for help the easier it will be later. It’s just a matter of practice.

Asking for help make it easier for you to stay focused on your vision and what you know best to do. An external eye might bring you another perspective on things that you are missing out especially when you feel overwhelmed. The kindness you will see around you and the warm feelings coming from the people around you, will melt the emotion of fear. You will not feel alone anymore on your journey. And you will build new relationships or push the one you have to another level.

Asking for help is another step you can take toward your growth.

I'm with you,


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