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How action, self-limiting thoughts and allies work together

They say that “people are sent to our lives to teach us things that we need to learn about ourselves”. I totally resonate with this quote and it’s the perfect introduction to my dear son, who is in the picture below. My son has a special place into my journey and a powerful role in me becoming the person that I am today. He chose me to be his mother and thanks to him I became a parent for the first-time. He was with me when I started this new role in my life and accompanied me in this transformation process.

As he grew, I proudly witnessed how he became a very brave boy, always driven by action. For me, he is an unlimited source of inspiration when I feel hesitant about taking action.

And, as I acknowledge a parent’s role in guiding children through life, I want to highlight the infinite source of lessons that children might teach us. They come into this world connected to their true nature, with less filters and limitations. They guide us to our true self.

To officially recognize my son’s inspirational role into my life, while I was following my first part of Co-Active Coaching Training, I made him part of my transformation, my learning and my growth path.

I identified him as one of my allies, helping me to access my courage. His constant and contagious braveness helps me get into an action mood whenever some self-limiting thoughts are stepping in.

As adults, these self-limiting thoughts often block us in taking action towards our purpose:

  • I can't do this

  • I'm not good at this

  • I’m afraid I will fail

  • What will people say

  • I will be ashamed

  • It's too late for me

  • I’m not good enough

These thoughts are like a story we tell to ourselves. They are having strong roots into our childhood and in many years of life and career experiences. Although originally their role was to help and protect us, these self-limiting thoughts are currently conditioning us from reaching our true potential and they are blocking us from acting.

In my coaching sessions I give a particular attention to the triggers coming from self-limiting thoughts. And the good news is, you can transform their blocking energy into an energy that drives your transformation. You just need the courage to acknowledge these thoughts, sit with them and challenge them!

I'm with you in this,


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